Research Article

M-CSF and GM-CSF Regulation of STAT5 Activation and DNA Binding in Myeloid Cell Differentiation is Disrupted in Nonobese Diabetic Mice

Figure 2

GM-CSF/M-CSF cytokine-induced myeloid differentiation in vitro. Bone marrow cultures from NOD and C57BL/6 control mice were differentiated in culture using regiment of cytokine and anticytokine blocking antibodies. Cells were treated with either 1000?U/mL GM-CSF plus 2 g/mL anti-M-CSF blocking antibodies, with 500?U/mL M-CSF plus 2 g/mL anti-GM-CSF blocking antibodies, or with media alone for 48 hours at 3 /5 . Cells were stained with anti-STAT5Ptyr-FITC (green) and anti-CD11b-PE (red) antibodies for analysis by flow cytometry (summarized in Figure 1) and deconvolution microscopy (shown here) for the development of cells with myeloid phenotype (CD11b+) and intracellular expression of tyrosine phosphorylated STAT5. Background staining for anti-STAT5Ptyr-FITC antibody was determined by parallel sample stained with a nonspecific mouse IgG isotype control (bottom most panels). The images are composites of 3D projection of 20 optical sections (0.2 micron each) showing both immunohistochemical labels as well as DAPI (blue) poststaining of chromatin within the cells. Accompanying panels show the STAT5Ptyr-FITC staining alone (green) or CD11b-PE and DAPI staining (red/blue). Treatment regiment and the cell source strain for each pair of cultures are listed to the left of the images. Images are representative of 5 random fields observed per sample treatment and 3 separate runs of the experiment.