Review Article

Aberrantly Glycosylated IgA1 as a Factor in the Pathogenesis of IgA Nephropathy

Figure 2

Repeated kidney biopsies in an HSPN patient with acquired IgA deficiency. (a, b) The first kidney biopsy (performed at 7 years old) showing necrotizing crescentic glomerulonephritis with advanced glomerulosclerosis and severe tubulointerstitial nephritis, which was compatible with HSPN grade 5b. (c, d) The fourth kidney biopsy (performed at 21 years old) showing minor glomerular abnormalities. Kidney biopsy samples were stained with periodic acid methenamine silver (a, b, and c), and periodic acid Schiff (d), respectively. Original magnifications were ×10 (a, c) and ×40 (b, d), respectively.