Research Article

Evaluation of Epstein-Barr Virus Latent Membrane Protein 2 Specific T-Cell Receptors Driven by T-Cell Specific Promoters Using Lentiviral Vector

Figure 2

Comparison of lentiviral vector constructions driven by different T-cell-specific promoters. (a) Comparison of mRNA level of TCR PL5.05 α and β chain under different T-cell-specific promoters by using quantitative RT-PCR. The number on each column corresponds to the mean number of mRNA normalized by GADPH mRNA, and the vertical bar represents the SD. (b) Conventional western blot assays from HSB2 cells which are infected with lentivirus containing TCR α and β chains driven by Vβ 6.7, Delta, Vβ 5.1, and Luria promoters. Either Flag or Myc fusion proteins were transferred to membranes and incubated with the indicated antibody. Approximately, fifty micrograms of each protein per lane were applied for electrophoresis. Equal protein loading was controlled by staining of GAPDH (lower panel). Statistical analysis was determined using the Student -test with * , compared to other groups.