Research Article

Indirect Effects of Oral Tolerance Inhibit Pulmonary Granulomas to Schistosoma mansoni Eggs

Figure 4

Cell subsets in pulmonary granulomas 18 days after i.v. egg injection. Immunolocalization using specific antibodies followed by secondary antibodies coupled with fluorescein (green) and nuclear counterstainig with 4′6-diamidino-2-phenylindol (blue), 18 days after i.v. eggs injection. Confocal microscope images were captured with a 63X objective, and the graphs represent the green fluorescence intensity (the sum of gray values of all pixels divided by the area (in ) of expression of F4/80 (macrophages), CD3 (T-lymphocytes), CD4+ cells, and α-SMA (myofibroblasts) in nonimmunized mice (granuloma group, open bars), OVA immune controls (hatched bars), and OVA-orally tolerant (black bars). Data represent mean ± SEM of fluorescence intensity of duplicate slides ( mice/group). The green autofluorescency of eggs was excluded from all analyses. No significant difference was found between groups.