Research Article

Adaptive and Innate Immune Responsiveness to Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in Exposed Asymptomatic Children and Children with Previous Clinical Lyme Borreliosis

Table 2

The OF induced cytokine secretion in PBMCs by Luminex.

Cytokine Exposed asymptomatic Previous clinical LB Controls

IL-1β309 (183–846)341 (132–1223)340 (162–800)
IL-66805 (3528–12749)7304 (3281–50303)7335 (2578–12324)
IL-10130 (38–442)129 (42–572)123 (37–684)
IL-12(p70)1 (0-1)1 (0-1)1 (0-1)
TNF676 (241–2311)561 (209–1724)628 (226–1373)

NOTE. The data referred to in the table is given as median values in pg/mL (range in parenthesis).
OF: outer surface protein enriched fraction; PBMCs: peripheral blood mononuclear cells; LB: Lyme Borreliosis; IL = interleukin; TNF: tumour necrosis factor.