Review Article

The Effects of TLR Activation on T-Cell Development and Differentiation

Table 1

TLR expression and direct effects on T cells [268, 277, 278, 329, 333].

TLRLocationTypical ligandExpression in T-cell subsets Direct effect on T cells

TLR1Cell surfaceTriacryl lipopeptide±+++Increased effector T-cell proliferation and survival; abrogate the suppressive function of Treg cells
TLR2Cell surfacePeptidoglycan±+++Increased cell proliferation and survival; promote cytotoxic activity of CTL; generate efficient memory T cells; augment Treg cell proliferation with temporal loss of suppression
TLR3EndosomedsRNA+++Promote activated CD4+ T-cell survival
TLR4Cell surfaceLipopolysaccharide±+++Induce Treg cell activation; enhance the suppressive function of Treg cells
TLR5Cell surfaceFlagellin+++Augment the suppressive capacity of Treg cells
TLR6Cell surfaceDiacryl lipopeptide+++Block the suppressive function of Treg cells
TLR7EndosomessRNA++Augment activation/function of T cells; block the suppressive function of Treg cells
TLR8EndosomessRNA+++Augment activation/function of T cells; block the suppressive function of Treg cells
TLR9EndosomeCpG DNA+++Promote activated CD4+ T-cell survival; inhibit Treg cell suppression

++: enhanced expression; +: normal expression; ±: weak or low expression; −: expression not detectable.