Research Article

Correlation between the Frequency of Th17 Cell and the Expression of MicroRNA-206 in Patients with Dermatomyositis

Figure 1

Th17 cells in the peripheral blood from DM patients. PBMCs from DM patients and healthy controls were incubated with PMA/ionomycin, stained for cell surface molecules CD3 and CD8 as well as intracellular IL-17, and analyzed by flow cytometry. (a) Representative dot plots from DM patient and a control subject are shown. Values correspond to the percentage of Th17 lymphocytes. We used isotype controls to determine the positive cells, and all the values are gated on the CD3+CD8− cells. (b) Percentages of Th17 lymphocytes were compared between DM patients and control subjects. (c) Levels of IL-17 mRNA in PBMCs pretreated with PMA/ionomycin from DM patients and controls. (d) The levels of RORC mRNA in PBMCs were detected by real-time PCR from DM patients and healthy controls. (e) The levels of KLF4 mRNA in PBMCs were detected by real-time PCR from DM patients and healthy controls. (f) The correlation between the percentages of Th17 lymphocytes and the expression of KLF4 mRNA in PBMCs from DM patients. Each data point represents an individual subject; horizontal lines show the mean. * ; ** ; *** .