Review Article

Regulatory T Cells in the Immunodiagnosis and Outcome of Kidney Allograft Rejection

Table 1

Characteristics of the described studies.

Study Type of patient Patients* ( ) Treg identification Treg or Foxp3 expression Characteristic

Muthukumar et al. (2005) [34]KT with AR 36 Foxp3 mRNA in urine Elevated Survival rate graft
Veronese et al. (2007) [35]KT with AR 59 Foxp3 CD4+ in kt Elevated Survival rate graft
Bunnag et al. (2008) [36]KT with AR 31 Foxp3 mRNA in kt Elevated Survival rate graft
Aquino-Dias et al. (2008) [37]KT with AR 20 Foxp3 mRNA in kt,
PBL, urine
Elevated Diagnosis of AR
Mansour et al. (2008) [38]KT with BL changes 46 Foxp3 mRNA in kt Reduced in PG Outcome of BL changes
Xu et al. (2012) [39] KT 125 Foxp3-positive T lymphocytes in kt Elevated in RPG Outcome of graft
Chung et al. (2012) [40]KT with AR 56 Foxp3/IL-17 secreting cells ratio in kt Elevated (in SRGa) Survival rate graft
San Segundo et al. (2012) [41]KT 90 Foxp3 CD4+ CD25+ in PBL Elevated (in SRGa) Survival rate graft

The number of patients does not refer to the total number of patients in each study, but to the subpopulation considered.
KT: kidney transplantation; AR: acute rejection; kt: kidney tissue; PBL: peripheral blood lymphocytes; BL changes: borderline changes; PG: progressive group; RPG: regulatory phenotype group; SRGa: patients with augmented survival rate graft.