Research Article

LPS-Induced Inflammation Potentiates the IL-1 -Mediated Reduction of LH Secretion from the Anterior Pituitary Explants

Figure 1

LH release from the AP explants collected from saline- and LPS- treated ewes and incubated in four types of media (control—“pure” medium 199 HEPES (a); GnRH control—medium with GnRH (100 pmol/mL) (b); IL-1β—medium with IL-β (100 pg/mL) (c); GnRH + IL-1β medium with GnRH (100 pmol/mL) and IL-β (100 pg/mL) (d)). Each curve represents median ± SEM release of LH during the consecutive 20 min periods of incubation. (cross indicates values that differ significantly from the median LH release in the same group during preincubation period according to the Mann-Whitney test) (asterisk indicates values that differ significantly from the saline- treated group according to the Mann-Whitney test).