Research Article

LPS-Induced Inflammation Potentiates the IL-1 -Mediated Reduction of LH Secretion from the Anterior Pituitary Explants

Figure 2

Inhibitory effect of IL-1β on LHβ gene expression in the AP explants collected from saline- and LPS-treated ewes and incubated in four types of media (control—“pure” medium 199 HEPES; GnRH—medium with GnRH (100 pmol/mL); IL-1β—medium with IL-β (100 pg/mL); GnRH + IL-1β medium with GnRH (100 pmol/mL) and IL-β (100 pg/mL)). Data are presented as a median value ± SEM. a,b,c— (indicating values that differ significantly from the control, GnRH, and IL-1β groups of saline-treated explants, respectively, according to the Mann-Whitney test) and e,f— (indicating values that differ significantly from the control and GnRH groups of LPS-treated explants, respectively, according to the Mann-Whitney test).