Clinical Study

Immune Response following Liver Transplantation Compared to Kidney Transplantation: Usefulness of Monitoring Peripheral Blood CD4+ Adenosine Triphosphate Activity and Cytochrome P450 3A5 Genotype Assay

Table 2

Backgrounds of KT patients.

Group KT-L ( )Group KT-H ( ) value
MK < 225

Average age48.8 (35–75)48.9 (22–68)NS
Type of KT
 Living donor KT2 (10.5%)7 (35%)NS
 Deceased donor KT17 13
ABO-incompatible4 (21.1%)3 (30%)NS
Tacrolimus use14 (73.7%)15 (75%)NS
CMV serology test
 R-seropositive11 (68.7%)10 (66.7%)NS
 *1*1 or *1*35 (45.5%)3 (33.3%)NS
Median months after KT 19.1 (3.5–385)22.4 (1.2–322)NS

KT: kidney transplantation, IMK: ImmuKnow, CMV: cytomegalovirus, CYP3A5: cytochrome P450 3A5, R-: recipient, and D-: donor.