Research Article

Increased IL-33 in Synovial Fluid and Paired Serum Is Associated with Disease Activity and Autoantibodies in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Table 1

Characteristics of enrolled patients with RA and OA.

SamplesDiseasesn GenderAgeDisease duration
M/FP Range
(year, mean ± SD)
P Range
(year, mean ± SD)

SFRA12023/970.45712–81 (53.8 ± 16.1)0.1110.3–30 (9.4 ± 8.4)0.847
OA304/2640–77 (57.8 ± 11.3)0.1–30 (11.1 ± 8.4)

SerumRA546/480.34723–81 (55.6 ± 13.4)0.4230.3–30 (8.2 ± 7.4)0.524
OA123/953–72 (61.4 ± 10.4)0.1–30 (6.6 ± 8.2)

RA: rheumatoid arthritis; OA: osteoarthritis; SF: synovial fluid.