Research Article

Glioma-Associated Antigen HEATR1 Induces Functional Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes in Patients with Glioma

Figure 3

Six epitope peptides derived from the HEATR1 induce the IFN- response. (a) ELISpot result of 8 malignant gliomas with positive reactivity. The number of IFN- formingspots was calculated per 1 × 106 PBMCs. (b) The positive reactivity among 6 healthy donors and 38 patients only occurred in 8 malignant gliomas ( ). GBM: glioblastoma multiforme; AA: anaplastic astrocytoma; AE: anaplastic ependymoma. This is a representative experiment from two independent experiments. No peptide stimulation was negative control. Correlation between ELISpot response and glioma grades was evaluated using a test.