Research Article

HLA-G Expression Is an Independent Predictor for Improved Survival in High Grade Ovarian Carcinomas

Table 3

Cox regression analysis on disease specific survival including clinicopathological factors and HLA expression.

Disease specific survival Univariable analysisMultivariable analysis
HR95% CI valueHR95% CI value

Age (years)1.010.99–1.030.185
FIGO stage
 Low (I-IIA)11
 High (IIB–IV)4.701.16–19.170.0303.740.48–28.990.207
Kind of surgery
Residual disease
HLA-A expression
HLA-B/C expression
HLA-E expression
HLA-G Expression

HR: hazards ratio, CI: confidence interval, Ref.: referent, PDS: primary debulking surgery, IDS: interval debulking surgery.