Research Article

Lactic Acid Bacteria Strains Exert Immunostimulatory Effect on H. pylori-Induced Dendritic Cells

Figure 2

Effect of the examined bacteria and their mixtures on the production of cytokines by DCs population. Values expressed as medians from six independent experiments and interquartile ranges [Q1–Q3]; control: unstipulated DCs; L.r.: L. rhamnosus 900; L.p.: L. paracasei 915; H.p.: H. pylori; statistically significant differences are given as follows: *: stimulators versus control (unstimulated DCs), †: stimulators versus H. pylori, ‡: stimulators versus L. rhamnosus 900, §: stimulators versus L. rhamnosus 900 + H. pylori, and $: stimulators versus L. paracasei 915 + H. pylori; ; DCs: dendritic cells.