Research Article

The Clinical Relevance of IL-17-Producing CD4+CD161+ Cell and Its Subpopulations in Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome

Table 1

Clinical and laboratory characteristics in patients with pSS and healthy controls.

CharacteristicspSSHCsp value

Age57.84 ± 13.0151.59 ± 18.580.158
Sex (female : male)56 : 215 : 10.524
Disease duration (years)7.53 ± 6.95NA
Xerophthalmia (%)50/58 (86.21)NA
Xerostomia (%)54/58 (93.10)NA
ANA(+) (%)50/58 (86.21)NA
Anti-SSA(+) (%)45/58 (77.59)NA
Anti-SSB(+) (%)19/58 (32.76)NA
RF(+) (%)31/58 (53.45)NA
Increased ESR (%)30/58 (51.72)NA
Increased IgG (%)28/58 (48.28)NA
Increased -globulin (%)38/58 (65.52)NA
ESSDAI3.86 ± 2.05NA

ESSDAI: the EULAR-SS Disease Activity Index; ANA: antinuclear antibody; Anti-SSA: anti-Ro/SSA antibody; anti-SSB: anti-La/SSB antibody; RF: rheumatoid factor; ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate; IgG: immunoglobulin A; HCs: healthy controls; NA: not applicable. Numerical data presented as mean ± SD were analyzed using Student’s t-test or Pearson’s Chi-squared test. was taken as significant.