Research Article

FluKB: A Knowledge-Based System for Influenza Vaccine Target Discovery and Analysis of the Immunological Properties of Influenza Viruses

Table 2

The data fields in each protein entry.

Field titleField content

CVC accessionAccession number unique to FluKB
NCBI accessionAccession number unique to NCBI
GenBank GIAccession number unique to GenBank
TypeThe influenza virus type
SubtypeThe serotype
HostHost of collection
CountryLocation of collection
YearTime of collection
IsolateIsolate name
Vaccine strainYears the strain has been used as a vaccine strain
Original nomenclatureThe original nomenclature from the raw data
Protein nameThe protein name, based on template BLAST
Sequence typeFull or fragment of the protein sequence
Predict HLA bindersPredict HLA binders to the sequence
Blast sequenceBlast the sequence for similar sequences of FluKB
SequenceThe amino acid sequence of the entry
Epitopes in sequenceIEDB epitopes found in the protein sequence