Research Article

Activation-Inactivation Cycling of Rab35 and ARF6 Is Required for Phagocytosis of Zymosan in RAW264 Macrophages

Figure 5

Effects of ACAP2 and/or Rab35 expression on phagocytosis of zymosan. RAW264 macrophages expressing GFP-ACAP2 constructs and/or TagRFP-Rab35-Q67L were incubated with zymosan at 37°C for 30 minutes and were fixed. The efficiency of phagocytosis was calculated based on 50 transfected and 50 untransfected cells. The results were expressed as a percentage of control (untransfected) cells. Data shown are the mean ± SEM of ten independent experiments. Mock indicates cells transfected with GFP and TagRFP. One-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s test was used for statistical analysis (, ).