Research Article

Experimental Immunization Based on Plasmodium Antigens Isolated by Antibody Affinity

Figure 3

Course of infection after vaccination with different adjuvants in BALB/c mice. Mice were divided into 6 groups ( each) to be immunized on days 1 and 27. Group (G) 1 with 2 μg of purified antigens and CpG ODN1826 plus IFA, G2 with 2 μg antigens plus CFA, G3 with 2 μg of antigens, G4 with PBS and CpG ODN1826 plus IFA, G5 with PBS and CFA, and G6 with PBS. On day 27 CFA was replaced with IFA. At day 55, all mice were challenged with 2 × 107 PyL-RBCs. Percentages of (a) survival and (b) parasitemia are shown as mean (± SEM). comparing to controls with antigens or same adjuvant alone or PBS (G2 versus G3, G5, and G6; G1 versus G3, G4, and G6).