Clinical Study

Methotrexate, Cyclosporine A, and Biologics Protect against Atherosclerosis in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Table 2

Associations between presence of atherosclerotic plaques and clinical, laboratory, and radiological characteristics and use of different DMARDs.

Presence of atherosclerotic plaques in
carotid and/or femoral arteries ()
Lack of atherosclerotic plaques in
carotid and femoral arteries ()

RA duration, years10.54 (9.41)10.76 (8.86)0.8
ESR, mm/h31.17 (24.39)22.49 (21.4)0.0008
CRP, mg/dL1.99 (2.9)1.42 (2.66)0.07
Creatinine, mg/dL0.81 (0.3)0.7 (0.21)0.0007
DAS284.63 (1.51)4.73 (1.57)0.6
Framingham 10-year risk score10.1 (6.22)6.01 (5.16)<
Methotrexate ever65 (87.84%)237 (97.93%)0.0002
Sulphasalazine ever30 (40.54%)117 (48.35%)0.2
Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine ever22 (29.72%)76 (31.4%)0.8
Gold salts ever8 (10.81%)38 (15.7%)0.3
Azathioprine ever5 (6.76%)13 (5.37%)0.7
Cyclophosphamide ever2 (2.7%)5 (2.07%)0.7
Cyclosporine A ever10 (13.51%)67 (27.69%)0.01
Leflunomide ever28 (37.84%)95 (39.26%)0.8
Biologic agents ever5 (6.76)56 (23.14%)0.002
Infliximab ever1 (1.35%)23 (9.5%)0.02
Adalimumab ever0 (0%)12 (4.96%)0.0503
Etanercept ever2 (2.7%)37 (15.29%)0.004
Rituximab ever0 (0%)13 (5.37%)0.04
Continuous treatment with DMARDs27 (36.49%)114 (47.11%)0.1
RF positivity59 (79.73%)158 (67.81)0.0497
ACPA positivity49 (76.56%)#162 (77.51%)0.9
Presence of erosions in hand and/or feet X-ray42 (68.58%)134 (71.66%)0.8

Data is presented as mean (standard deviation) for continuous variables and number (percentage) for categorical variables. #Data available for 64 patients. Data available for 61 patients. Data available for 233 patients. Data available for 209 patients. Data available for 187 patients.