Research Article

Evaluation of Anti-TBGL Antibody in the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Patients in China

Table 1

Clinical and demographic information of study patients.

ParameterValue for group

Number of patients45261658
Age (years [mean ± SD])
Sex (number of males/number of females)35/1011/1512/341/17
Classification (number)
 New case2821120
 Relapsed case11430
 Chronic diseases27/17 (61.4)9/17 (34.6)5/9 (33.3)n.a
 Cough & chest discomfort38/6 (86.4)12/12 (50.0)8/7 (53.3)0/58 (0.0)
 Fever14/30 (31.8)15/9 (62.5)11/4 (73.3)0/58 (0.0)
 Hemoptysis12/32 (27.3)1/23 (4.2)0/16 (0.0)0/58 (0.0)
 Expectoration23/21 (52.3)5/20 (20.0)0/16 (0.0)0/58 (0.0)
Chest X-ray
 Cavitation24/20 (54.5)0/26 (0.0)0/16 (0.0)0/58 (0.0)
 Pleural effusion15/29 (34.1)10/15 (40.0)5/9 (35.7)0/58 (0.0)
 Lymphadenopathy (BHL)3/41 (6.8)3/22 (12.0)3/11 (21.4)0/58 (0.0)
 Bronchiectasis13/31 (29.5)2/23 (8.0)0/14 (0.0)0/58 (0.0)
TB screening test
 Smear23/18 (56.1)7/14 (33.3)9/4 (69.2)0/58 (0.0)
 TST11/6 (64.7)7/3 (70.0)1/0 (100.0)0/58 (0.0)
TB antibody
 Anti-TBGL IgG31/14 (68.9)12/14 (46.2)1/15 (6.3)11/47 (19.0)
 Anti-TBGL IgA21/23 (46.7)4/22 (15.4)2/14 (12.5)6/52 (10.3)
Others mean ± std
 Blood IgA (g/L)
 Blood IgG (g/L)
 Blood IgM (g/L)
 CRP (mg/L)

PTB = pulmonary TB; ETB = extrapulmonary TB; HC = healthy control. aThe number of positive subjects/the number of negative subjects (percentage of positive subjects). bSignificant difference between PTB and HC samples (). cSignificant difference between PTB and AIDS-TB samples (). dSignificant difference between PTB and ETB samples (). eSignificant difference between ETB and HC samples ().