Research Article

Autoantibodies Affect Brain Density Reduction in Nonneuropsychiatric Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients

Figure 3

GMD/WMD difference and the relationships with different autoantibodies in SLE patients. The anti-U1RNP and anti-SM antibody-negative patients had higher GMDs than the antibody-positive patients (a, b). The ACL- and anti-SSB/La antibody-negative patients had higher WMDs than the antibody-positive patients (c, d). GMD: mean whole brain grey matter density; WMD: mean whole brain white matter density; ACL: anticardiolipin antibodies; SSB: anti-SSB/La antibodies; U1RNP: anti-U1 RNP antibodies; SM: anti-Sm antibodies. .