Research Article

TNF-α Autocrine Feedback Loops in Human Monocytes: The Pro- and Anti-Inflammatory Roles of the TNF-α Receptors Support the Concept of Selective TNFR1 Blockade In Vivo

Table 2

Effect of TNF-α mAb on pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine mRNA expression in LPS-stimulated monocytes.

Area under the curve (AUC) ΔCT. hours(median,range)

LPS159 (86–233)3050 (2170–3697)1571 (1436–1891)242 (120–1022)11 (8–13)33 (21–50)
LPS and TNF-α mAb152 (54–197)2248 (1679–2988)940 (885–1394)144 (93–235)6 (4–10)29 (18–49)

The table outlines area under the curve values for time course profiles of each of the cytokines in response to LPS or LPS stimulation in the presence of TNF-α mAb (). AUC values were compared with a Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test. values are one-tailed.