Research Article

Low-Dose Oxygen Enhances Macrophage-Derived Bacterial Clearance following Cigarette Smoke Exposure

Figure 2

Oxygen alters the inflammatory profile and alveolar macrophage phenotype in CS and i.t. PAO1-exposed mice. (a) BAL cytokines were quantified following 2 days of PAO1 exposure in CS-exposed mice (–4). (b) Representative histogram of the mean fluorescent intensity (MFI) of expression of intracellular TNF-α using FACS among BAL F4-80+ macrophages ( by unpaired -test; MFI ± SD, ). (c) Representative histogram of the MFI of the surface markers CD86, Dectin-1, and MMR on BAL F4-80+ macrophages (, by unpaired -test; MFI ± SD, ).