Research Article

Delta Procalcitonin Is a Better Indicator of Infection Than Absolute Procalcitonin Values in Critically Ill Patients: A Prospective Observational Study

Table 3

PCT, CRP, body temperature, and white blood cell count in medical and surgical patients with and without infection.


MedicalPCT (ng/mL)0.26 (0.57)0.54 (1.16)0.89 (1.52)3.17 (5.9)
CRP (mg/L)136.7 (159.1)141 (125.9)150 (184.3)164.2 (145.3)
BT (°C)36 (1.02)37 (0.82)36.9 (1.23)37 (1.6)
WBC (×109/L)14.32 (8.9)15.4 (8.64)12.06 (6.36)13.76 (10.16)

SurgicalPCT (ng/mL)3.5 (9.91)2.89 (9.33)3.83 (22.55)14.9 (58.06)
CRP (mg/L)95 (342.5)163 (327.4)199.5 (130.1)243.2 (112.7)
BT (°C)36.5 ()36.5 (2.4)36 ()36.9 (1.1)
WBC (×109/L)8.99 (7.37)14.56 (9.65)11.9 (10.06)10.91 (9.9)

Data are presented as median (interquartile range). PCT: procalcitonin, CRP: C-reactive protein, BT: body temperature, and WBC: white blood cell count; within groups and between groups.