Research Article

Mast Cell-Derived Exosomes Promote Th2 Cell Differentiation via OX40L-OX40 Ligation

Figure 1

Location of mast cells and CD4+ T cells as well as their morphology in peritoneal lymph node. (a) As a negative control, the section of lymph node was incubated with PBS instead of primary antibody (200x); (b) mast cells (green, stained with antimast cell tryptase antibody) and CD4+ T cells (red, stained with anti-CD4 antibody) colocalized in the peritoneal lymph node, marked by the red arrows (200x); (c) as a control, the outline of CD4+ T cells is clear (400x); (d) mast cells are blurred and surrounded by tiny brown particles (400x). Scale bars are 50 μm. In this experiment, CD4 and tryptase are used to mark CD4+ T cells and mast cells, respectively.