Research Article

Low Dose BCG Infection as a Model for Macrophage Activation Maintaining Cell Viability

Figure 7

BCG infection at MOI 0.1 and MOI 1 maintains undisturbed mitochondrial and nuclear integrity. (a) Transfected RAW-mitoRFP macrophages and (b) transfected and sorted (enriched to 97% or RAW-mitoRFP+) were infected at MOI 1 and MOI 0.1 BCG-GFP. Slides were prepared with DAPI and mounting medium and analyzed by confocal SP5 microscopy using Leica Application Suite software. Mitochondria (red), BCG (green), and nucleus (blue) (left panel). Scale bar 10 μm. (c) RAW-mitoRFP cells were sorted, enriched to 97% (RAW-mitoRFP+), and infected with BCG-GFP and quantified for RAW-mitoRFP+ cells before and after BCG-GFP infection at MOI 1 and MOI 0.1. (d) Flow cytometry analyses of cell integrity and size using side scatter (SSC)/forward scatter (FSC). Representative image from three independent experiments.