Research Article

Polymorphisms of IL12RB2 May Affect the Natural History of Primary Biliary Cholangitis: A Single Centre Study

Table 1

Clinical and laboratory data in patients with primary biliary cholangitis (PBC).

PBCPBCp value
(cirrhotic versus noncirrhotic)

Age (years)NS
Gender (female/male)277/29152/689/18
Liver cirrhosis (yes/no/unknown)107/158/41158107
Death or OLTx (yes/no/unknown)66/214/2617/13342/61
UDCA response (yes/no/unknown)81/120/10546/4724/56
ALP (IU/l; mean ± SD; normal: 30–120)NS
ALT (IU/l; mean ± SD; normal: 3–30)NS
AST (IU/l; mean ± SD; normal: 3–30)NS
γ-GT (IU/l; mean ± SD; normal: 3–30)NS
Bilirubin (mg/dl; mean ± SD; normal: 0.2–1.0)NS