Clinical Study

Cytokine Profile of Patients with Allergic Rhinitis Caused by Pollen, Mite, and Microbial Allergen Sensitization

Table 1

Immunologically active aeroallergens.

Source of allergensIdentified biological activities

(1) Grass pollenPectate lyase, RNase, polygalacturonase, lipid transfer protein, profilin, expansin
(2) Tree pollenProfilin, isoflavone reductase, pectin methylesterase, peptidyl-prolyl isomerase, 1,3-β-glucanase, calcium-binding protein, pectate lyase, superoxide dismutase
(3) FungiProtein disulfide isomerase, aldehyde dehydrogenase, RNase, vacuolar serine proteases, alkaline serine protease, enolase, aspartate proteases, dipeptidyl peptidase, subtilisin-like protease
(4) Epidermal allergensUteroglobin-like protein, cystatin, lipocalin, albumin
(5) House dust mitesCysteine protease, β-glucan moiety, trypsin, amylase, chymotrypsin, chitinase, collagenase, glutathione transferase