Research Article

Stabilized β-Catenin Ameliorates ALPS-Like Symptoms of B6/lpr Mice

Figure 1

The genotyping results of β-catTglpr/lpr mice. When mice was 4 weeks old, the genomic DNA was extracted and used for genotyping. (a) The representative genotyping results of β-catTg and lpr/lpr mice. β-catTg = 633 bp, β-catWT (WT) = 0 bp; Fas mutant (lpr/lpr) = 217 bp, Fas wild type (WT) = 179 bp, Fas heterozygote (Fas+/−) = 217 bp and 179 bp. 1: β-catTg (β-catTg FAS+/−) mice; 2: WT (β-catWT FAS+/+) mice; and 3: β-catTglpr/lpr mice. (b) The representative FACS results of β-catTg mice, respectively, gating on CD3 and CD3+ T cell. When the GFP+% of T cell is greater than 5%, the mouse is defined as β-catTg mice.