Research Article

Impact of the Polymorphism rs9264942 near the HLA-C Gene on HIV-1 DNA Reservoirs in Asymptomatic Chronically Infected Patients Initiating Antiviral Therapy

Table 1

Baseline characteristics for the cohort of patients (study STIR-2102).

ART + HIV-immunogenART + placeboOverall

Number of subjects8697183
Age, mean (S.D.) (years)35 (8)33 (7)34 (7)
Gender, N (%)
 Male61 (70.9)65 (67.0)126
 Female25 (30.0)32 (33.0)57
CD4+ T cells, mean (S.D.), cells × 10−6 L−1405.1 (72.1)401.0 (74.9)402.9 (73.4)
HIV-1 RNA, median (range), copies per mL14,150 (459,801)14,650 (243,801)14,525 (459,801)

S.D.: standard deviation.