Research Article

Gene Expression Profiles of Human Phosphotyrosine Phosphatases Consequent to Th1 Polarisation and Effector Function

Table 2

PTP regulated during Th1 polarization. PTPs whose expression levels were regulated during Th1 polarization are shown. Changes in expression were determined as explained in materials and methods. Asterisks represent the result of the paired -test of DCt values obtained from the comparison of naïve and Th1 cells in 3 donors. (), (), or (). Absolute values in column 4 indicate the average change in the DCT, generated by subtracting the DCT value obtained for each condition (DCT_Th1 minus DCT_Naïve) in the 3 individual donors analysed, and obtaining the average. DUSP13 and DUSP21 were considered as repressed genes since their expressions were only detectable in naïve but not in Th1 cells. MTMR11 and CDC25C were considered as induced genes since their expression was detectable in Th1 but not in naïve cells.

GroupPhosphataseRegulation during Th1 polarizationAverage change in DCT/ valueSubstrateRegulation of T cell activation or polarisation/Involvement in autoimmunity

ClassicalPTPRJ (CD148)Upregulation2.02/SFKRegulation of TCR signalling/Not reported [18, 19]
PTPN6 (SHP1)Upregulation2.08/SFK, ITAMs, ZAP70, SLP-76, Vav1Regulation of TCR signalling/PS [28, 29]
PTPN7 (HePTP)Upregulation1.54/ERK1/2, p38Regulation of TCR signalling/Not reported [30, 31]
PTPN9 (PTP-MEG2)Upregulation2.45/NSFRegulation of cytokine secretion/Not reported [32, 33]
PTPN13 (PTP-BL)Upregulation2.40/STAT4, STAT6Regulation of cytokine signalling/Not reported [35]
PTPN18 (PTP20)Upregulation1.9/HER2Not reported/Not reported

MKPs and Atypical DSPsDUSP1Downregulation3.07/p38, JNK, ERKT cell activation/Not reported [40]
DUSP7Upregulation2.10/ERKNot reported/Not reported
DUSP8Downregulation4.55/JNK, p38Not reported/Not reported
DUSP13RepressionJNK, p38Not reported/Not reported
DUSP16Downregulation1.20/JNK, p38Th1/Th2 balance/Not reported [41, 42]
STYXL1Upregulation1.19/Catalytically inactiveNot reported/Not reported
DUSP21RepressionUnknownNot reported/Not reported
DUSP22Upregulation2.10/JNK, ERK2, LckRegulation of TCR signaling/EAE, SLE [4345]
DUSP23Upregulation1.57/p38, JNKNot reported/SLE [46]

MyotubularinsMTMR1Upregulation1.43/PI(3)P, PI(3,5)P2Not reported/Not reported
MTMR2Upregulation2.61/PI(3)P, PI(3,5)P2Not reported/Not reported
MTMR11InductionCatalytically inactiveNot reported/Not reported

SSHs, CDC14s and PTEN DSPsSSH2Downregulation1.68/CofilinNot reported/Not reported
SSH3Upregulation2.63/CofilinNot reported/Not reported
TPTE2Downregulation1.96/PIPNot reported/Not reported
CDKN3Upregulation5.81/CDK2Inhibition of cell cycle/Not reported [47]

Class III Cys-based PTPsCDC25AUpregulation6.80/CDKsPromotion of cell cycle/Not reported [42]
CDC25BUpregulation2.45/CDKsNot reported/Not reported
CDC25CInductionCDKsNot reported/Not reported

PS: psoriasis. EAE: experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. SLE: systemic lupus erythematosus.