Research Article

Conventional DCs from Male and Female Lupus-Prone B6.NZM Sle1/Sle2/Sle3 Mice Express an IFN Signature and Have a Higher Immunometabolism That Are Enhanced by Estrogen

Figure 4

The IFN signature of TCSle cDCs is not due to a differential heterogeneity of the GM-CSF cDCs. Bone marrow precursors from B6 or TCSle female and male mice were cultured with GM-CSF in standard phenol red/media conditions or media depleted of phenol red and devoid of steroids (charcoal-treated FBS: 0 E2) and supplemented with 0.03 nM, 0.1 nM, or 50 nM 17-β-estradiol (E2). Standard conditions were also supplemented with 1 μM Fulvestrant. On day 8, cDCs were harvested and stained with fixable viability dye and antibodies against CD11c, CD11b, MHCII, and CD86. Samples were gated on singlets, live cells, CD11c+ MHCII+ (a, left), CD11b + versus MHCIIHigh or MHCIIInt (a, center), and CD86 (a, right). Gray histograms represent the MHCIIHigh population, while green histograms represent the MHCIIInt population and the black line represents an unstained population. (a) One representative plot of a B6 female culture is shown. Graphs of %MHCIIHigh (b) or %MHCIIInt (c) from the CD11c+ gate from B6 (black closed symbols) or TCSle (gray open symbols) female (circle) and male (triangle) mice. Graphs of %CD86 positive on MHCIIHigh (d) or MHCIIInt (e) populations. Mean + SE values are from 3 biological replicates, using one mouse of each strain and sex per experiment. Two-way ANOVA analysis with Tukey multiple comparisons was used to compare differences between B6 and TCSle, and results are shown in a box surrounding the symbol Δ for significance between B6 and TCSle males or the symbol O for significance between B6 and TCSle females. Δ and O represent . ΔΔ and OO represent .