Research Article

Venom from Bothrops lanceolatus, a Snake Species Native to Martinique, Potently Activates the Complement System

Figure 2

Production of Complement activation products in NHS incubated with B. lanceolatus venom. NHS (diluted 1 : 2 in saline solution) was incubated with B. lanceolatus venom (0.5 mg/mL) for 30 min at 37°C, in the presence or absence of 1,10-phenantroline (10 mM). As control, NHS was incubated with saline solution. (a) Samples were diluted 1 : 5000 and the concentrations of the anaphylatoxins C3a/C3a-desArg, C4a/C4a-desArg, and C5a/C5a-desArg were determined using a cytometric bead array. (b) Samples were diluted 1 : 150, and the concentration of the SC5b-9 complex was measured by “MicroVue SC5b-9 Plus EIA Kit”. The data represent two experiments, realized in duplicate. compared to the saline-treated NHS controls. compared to venom-treated samples.