Research Article

Anti-ICOSL New Antigen Receptor Domains Inhibit T Cell Proliferation and Reduce the Development of Inflammation in the Collagen-Induced Mouse Model of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Figure 3

Flow cytometry analysis of lead domains binding to CHO cells. Lead anti-mICOSL and anti-hICOSL VNAR domains were tested for binding to cell surface expressing hICOSL, mICOSL, and parental CHO cells. (a) Anti-mICOSL VNAR domains were incubated with different CHO cell populations overexpressing either human or mouse ICOSL. (b) Anti-hICOSL VNAR domains were incubated with different CHO cell populations overexpressing either human or mouse ICOSL. To assess any nonspecific binding events, parental CHO cells were included as a cell control and 2V-Fc as a nonbinding VNAR domain control. Assays were repeated 3 times with representative data shown.