Research Article

STAT1, IGF1, RAC1, and MDM2 Are Associated with Recurrence of Giant Cell Tumor of Bone

Figure 1

Expression of MDM2, IGF1, STAT1, and RAC1 in GCT tissues (400X, scale bar = 50 μm). (a) Expression of MDM2. Positive staining of MDM2 in the tumor tissue of a recurrent GCT (left). Negative staining of MDM2 in the tissue of a primary GCT from a patient without recurrence (right). (b) Positive staining of IGF1 in the tumor tissue of recurrent GCT (left). Negative staining of IGF1 in the primary tumor tissue of a GCT patient without recurrence (right). (c) Positive staining of STAT1 in the tumor tissue of recurrence GCT (left). Negative staining of STAT1 in the primary tumor tissue of a GCT patient without recurrence (right). (d) Positive staining of RAC1 in the tumor tissue of recurrence GCT (left). Negative staining of RAC1 in the tumor tissue of primary GCT without recurrence (right). Positive staining for all genes was located in the cytoplasm and nuclei of multinucleated giant cells and mononuclear stromal cells.