Research Article

M1-Polarized Macrophages Promote Self-Renewing Phenotype of Hepatic Progenitor Cells with Jagged1-Notch Signalling Involved: Relevance in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

Figure 5

Genome-wide transcriptomic analysis of primary sclerosing cholangitis and control. Monocyte-macrophage and Notch signalling pathway gene signatures are enriched in primary sclerosing cholangitis liver samples. (a) Cytoscape and Enrichment maps were used for the visualization of monocyte-macrophage-associated GSEA results. Nodes represent enriched gene sets, grouped and annotated by similarity according to the related gene sets. Node size is proportional to the total number of genes within the gene set. NES: normalized enrichment score; FDR: false discovery rate. (b) GSEA-generated heat map of core enrichment genes in hallmarks of the Notch signalling pathway upregulated in PSC.