Review Article

The Impact of Purinergic System Enzymes on Noncommunicable, Neurological, and Degenerative Diseases

Table 2

Ectonucleotidases (E-NTPDase, E-5-nucleotidase, and ADA) and purinergic receptors in experimental models and patients with hypertension.

SampleE-NTPDaseE-5-nucleotidaseAdenosine deaminaseInvolved receptorsReference

Treg cells from angiotensin II-dependent hypertension↑ expression CD39
↑ enzymatic activity to ATP and ADP

Pulmonary arterial hypertension↑ expression CD39
↑ enzymatic activity to ATP and ADP
[100, 101]

Preeclampsia↑ expression CD39 can protect against preeclampsia[102]

Synaptosomes from rat heart↑ expression of NTPDase 2↑ expression[77, 103]

Human coronary arteries↑ expressionP1 upregulation[104]

Platelets and lymphocytes of hypertensive human↑ expression
↑ enzymatic activity
↑ enzymatic activity↑ enzymatic activity[109111]

Animal membrane fractions of renal tissue↓ enzymatic activity and expressionA2A downregulation
A3 upregulation

Platelet of pregnant hypertensive woman↑ enzymatic activity[114, 115]

Placenta of pregnant hypertensive woman↑ expression
↑ enzymatic activity