Research Article

A Granulocyte-Specific Protein S100A12 as a Potential Prognostic Factor Affecting Aggressiveness of Therapy in Patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

Table 1

General characteristics of the study group.

1st time point ()2nd time point ()

Female, (%)54 (67.5%)36 (67.9%)
Age at diagnosis (years)7.75 ± 4.277.57 ± 4.41
Age at evaluation (years)10.40 ± 4.3810.28 ± 4.58
Reason of admission, (%)
 Fresh diagnosis of JIA16 (20.0%)
 Disease flare26 (32.5%)11 (20.8%)
 Continuation of biological treatment9 (11.25%)12 (22.6%)
 Check-up visit29 (36.25%)30 (56.6%)
JIA subtypes, (%)
 Oligoarticular JIA54 (67.5%)35 (66.0%)
 RF-negative polyarticular JIA11 (13.75%)9 (17.0%)
 RF-positive polyarticular JIA1 (1.25%)1 (1.9%)
 ERA14 (17.5%)8 (15.1%)
Clinical and laboratory features
 Fever on admission, (%)9 (11.3%)0 (0.0%)
 CRP > 5 mg/l, (%)13 (16.3%)6 (11.3%)
 ESR > 20 mm/h, (%)16 (20.0%)4 (7.5%)
Disease activity level (according to JADAS27), (%)
 Clinically inactive disease19 (23.75%)16 (30.2%)
 Minimal disease activity7 (8.75%)12 (22.65%)
 Parent-acceptable symptom state5 (6.25%)6 (11.3%)
 High disease activity49 (61.25%)19 (35.85%)

JIA: juvenile idiopathic arthritis; RF: rheumatoid factor; ERA: enthesitis-related arthritis; JADAS27: juvenile arthritis disease activity score 27-joint reduced count.