Research Article

Differential Gene Expression Profile of Human Neutrophils Cultured with Plasmodium falciparum-Parasitized Erythrocytes

Table 2

Enriched pathways for the upregulated genes in PMNs phagocytizing iRBCs.

PathwayCount valueGenes

Mitogen-activated protein kinase (hsa04010)80.000442HCAR1, RPS6KA2, PEBP4, RIT2, MAPK8IP2, MLLT10, CDK5RAP1, HAS1
Insulin receptor (hsa04910)40.000793LETM1, CISH, RIT2, SOCS3
Jak-STAT signaling pathway (hsa04630)50.000731BATF2, CISH, SOCS3, MLLT10, CXCL10
Interleukin signaling pathway (P00970)40.00139IL1A, IL15RA, NOS3, RPS6KA2
Interferon-gamma signaling pathway (P00035)20.02225SOCS3, CISH