Research Article

Phenotypic Characterization of Circulating CD4+ T Cells in ANCA-Associated Vasculitis

Table 1

Descriptive statistics of GPA and MPA (numbers or median with lower and upper quartiles) at time of blood sampling.

GPAMPA value

Age in years66.8 (50.9, 76.5)75.7 (68.8, 82.4)
Sex (numbers)
Age at diagnosis in years57.5 (35.9;67.3)64.2 (73.2;76.2)
Follow-up time in months81.9 (28.2;157.4)16.7 (1.2;74.8)
ANCA specificity (numbers)
Disease activity (numbers)
 Active disease810
 Time since onset of the last flare in months34.4 (11.4;63.2)8.9 (0.9;34.3)
Disease phenotype (numbers)
 Localized disease76
 Systemic disease3116
Organ involvement (numbers)
 Central nervous system41
 Peripheral nervous system45
BVAS (Birmingham Vasculitis Activity Score) (numbers)
Vasculitis Damage Index2 (1, 4)2 (0, 3)
CRP (mg/L)3.4 (1.4, 6.1)2.4 (1.4, 9.5)
Haemoglobin (g/L)129.0 (122.5, 138.0)124.0 (111.0, 133.5)
Platelets (109/L)263.0 (204.3, 313.3)230.0 (183.5, 287.5)
White blood count (109/L)6.6 (5.2, 8.6)7.3 (5.4, 8.4)
Creatinine (micromoles/L)101.0 (72.5, 141.0)158.0 (106.0, 199.3)
eGFR (mL/min/1.73 m2)64 (45, 86)33 (21, 48)
Prednisolone (mg/day)
Median dose (mg/day)125 (range: 50, 200)75 (range: 50, 100)
Mycophenolate mofetil50
Median dose (mg/day)2000 (range: 250, 2500)NA
Median dose (mg/week)25 (range: 15, 25)NA
Cyclophosphamide po00
Cyclophosphamide iv (within 6 months)47
Median time since last infusion (days)83.5 (31.8, 103.0)18 (12.3, 135.8)
Rituximab (ever)143
Median time since last infusion (days)367.0 (139.5, 902.5)316.0 (91.0, 973.0)

GPA = granulomatosis with polyangitis; MPA = microscopic polyangitis. 1Mann-Whitney test, 2Fisher’s exact test, and 3chi-square test.