Research Article

Fagonia indica Repairs Hepatic Damage through Expression Regulation of Toll-Like Receptors in a Liver Injury Model

Figure 2

Histopathological changes of mouse liver tissues showing recovery of injury after treatment with Fagonia indica. Liver organs and hepatic tissue sections of the study groups were analyzed for gross morphology and histopathological alterations, respectively. (a) Gross morphology: (A1) control, (A2) TAA, (A3) PE, and (A4) TAA/PE. (b) H&E staining: (B1) control, (B2) TAA, (B3) PE, and (B4) TAA/PE. (c) PAS staining: (C1) control, (C2) TAA, (C3) PE, and (C4) TAA/PE. Histology shows repair of hepatic structure towards normal architecture due to exposure with plant extract showing injury repair activity of Fagonia indica.