Research Article

Exhausted and Senescent T Cells at the Maternal-Fetal Interface in Preterm and Term Labor

Table 2

Clinical and demographic characteristics of the patient population used to perform immunophenotyping of exhausted and senescent T cells in the decidua parietalis.

Term without labor
Term with labor
Preterm without labor
Preterm with labor

Maternal age (years; median (IQR))a27 (25-32.3)24 (21-26)28 (25.3-30.8)22.5 (21-31.8)0.05
Body mass index (kg/m2; median (IQR))a30.1 (27-36.9)c23.5 (23-32.8)32.9 (22.7-42.9)25.7 (20.5-27.4)c0.2
Primiparityb12.5% (2/16)38.1% (8/21)12.5% (1/8)20% (2/10)0.3
 African-American66.7% (10/15)c90.5% (19/21)75% (6/8)90% (9/10)
 Caucasian20% (3/15)c0% (0/21)12.5% (1/8)0% (0/10)
 Asian13.3% (2/15)c0% (0/21)0% (0/8)0% (0/10)
 Other0% (0/15)c9.5% (2/21)12.5% (1/8)10% (1/10)
Gestational age at delivery (weeks; median (IQR))a39.1 (39-39.3)39.3 (38.6-40)27.6 (26.1-34.5)35.5 (32.1-36.2)<0.001
Birthweight (g)a2972.5 (2763.8-3290)3295 (2935-3675)728.5 (595-2078.8)2305 (1656.3-2446.3)<0.001
Cesarean sectionb100% (16/16)33.3% (7/21)100% (8/8)40% (4/10)<0.001

Data are given as the median (interquartile range) and percentage (). aKruskal-Wallis test. bFisher’s exact test. cOne missing data.