Research Article

Differential Expression of IFN-γ, IL-10, TLR1, and TLR2 and Their Potential Effects on Downgrading Leprosy Reaction and Erythema Nodosum Leprosum

Figure 3

Path diagrams of the leprosy reaction and reaction-free leprosy groups. (a) A path diagram indicating the relationships among independent variables involved in diagnosis, number of skin lesions at diagnosis, anti-LAM, and anti-PGL-I influencing the variation of the dependent variable IL-10 in the reaction group. (b) A path diagram showing the relationships among independent variables, number of skin lesions at diagnosis, anti-LAM, and anti-PGL-I promoting the variation in TLR2 expression in the reaction group. (c) A path diagram involving independent variables TLR1 and TLR2, which induced variation in the dependent variable IFN-γ in the reaction-free leprosy group. The path analysis demonstrated dependence relation among dependent variable (0) and independent variables with direct effect greater than the residual effect.