Research Article

Analysis of Toll-Like Receptors in Human Milk: Detection of Membrane-Bound and Soluble Forms

Table 1

List of antibodies used in this study.


Anti-TLR1Polyclonal rabbit antibody, directed against a recombinant peptide from human TLR1 (STJ25862)St John’s Laboratory1 : 500
Anti-TLR2Polyclonal rabbit antibody (H-175), directed against aa 180-354 of human TLR2 (sc-10739)Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc.1 : 500
Anti-TLR4Polyclonal rabbit antibody (H-80), directed against aa 242-321 of human TLR4 (sc-10741)Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc.1 : 500
Anti-TLR6Polyclonal rabbit antibody directed against a peptide of 13 aa near the central part of human TLR6 (PRS3653)Sigma-Aldrich1 : 1000
Anti-β-actinPolyclonal rabbit antibody (20536-1-AP)Proteintech1 : 2000
Anti-rabbit-APPolyclonal goat anti-rabbit antibody conjugated with alkaline phosphatase (A3687)Sigma-Aldrich1 : 3000