Research Article

Efficacy of Shenqi Pollen Capsules for High-Altitude Deacclimatization Syndrome via Suppression of the Reoxygenation Injury and Inflammatory Response

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of subjects at randomization according to the study group.

SPC group ()Placebo group () value

Demographic characteristics
Chongqing (180 m) (%)44 (30.13%)42 (29.58%)0.92
Kunming (1800 m) (%)34 (23.29%)33 (23.24%)0.99
Zhengzhou (110 m) (%)38 (26.03%)37 (26.06%)0.95
Wuwei (1500 m) (%)30 (20.55%)30 (21.12%)0.90
Age, years (SD, range)25.09 (5.08, 18-35)24.60 (4.66, 18-34)0.40
Race, Han (%)146 (100%)142 (100%)1.00
Sex, male (%)146 (100%)142 (100%)1.00
Work intensity
Mild42 (28.77%)44 (30.98%)0.42
Moderate86 (58.90%)88 (61.97%)0.63
Severe14 (9.58)14 (9.85%)0.94
Smoking114 (78.08%)106 (74.64%)0.49
Alcohol consumption113 (77.39%)109 (76.76%)0.90
AMS occurrence19 (13.01%)17 (11.97%)0.79

The data are presented as (%) or the mean ((SD; range) or (SE, 95% CI)). AMS occurrence: subjects suffered from acute mountain sickness (AMS) at high altitude. Statistical differences between groups were tested for using a test for quantitative data and a chi-square test for categorical data.