Research Article

Celiac Disease in Children, Particularly with Accompanying Type 1 Diabetes, Is Characterized by Substantial Changes in the Blood Cytokine Balance, Which May Reflect Inflammatory Processes in the Small Intestinal Mucosa

Figure 1

Comparison of serum levels of IL-8 (pg/ml) (a), IL-15 (pg/ml) (b), IL-17F (ng/ml) (c), IL-22 (ng/ml) (d), IL-27 (ng/ml) (e), and sIL-2Rα (pg/ml) (f) between different patient groups (median values and interquartile range). Every dot represents the value of cytokine studied for one person. Median values between the groups were compared using the Mann-Whitney test. Two T1D persons were excluded from statistical analysis. The outlier in the CD group with an IL-8 value of 207.31 pg/ml (male, 4 years old, with atrophy in small bowel mucosa Marsh grade IIIb, EV density 3+) was excluded from graphic presentation but not from statistical analysis. The outlier in the CD group with an IL-15 level of 229.89 pg/ml, with an IL-17F level of 2.46 ng/ml, with an IL-22 level of 13.46 ng/ml, and with an IL-27 level of 113.37 ng/ml (male, 9 years old, with atrophy in small bowel mucosa Marsh grade II) was excluded from graphic presentation, but not from statistical analysis. The outlier in the control group with a sIL-2Ra value of 5628.53 (male, 1 year old) was excluded from graphic presentation but not from statistical analysis.