Research Article

Cell Counts, rather than Proportion, of CD8/PD-1 Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes in a Tumor Microenvironment Associated with Pathological Characteristics of Chinese Invasive Ductal Breast Cancer

Figure 2

Expression of E-Cad, Ki-67, and CK-20 and counts of phenotypes of CD8/PD-1 TILs. (a) Patients with negative E-Cad expression (IHC, ×400); (b) patients with positive E-Cad expression (IHC, ×400); (c) patients with negative Ki-67 expression (IHC, ×400); (d) patients with positive Ki-67 expression (IHC, ×400); (e) patients with negative CK20 expression (IHC, ×400); (f) patients with positive CK20 expression (IHC, ×400). → (red) CD8+/PD-1+ TILs; → (black) CD8+/PD-1- TILs. CD8+/PD1+ TILs showed a red cytomembrane and brown cytoplasm, and CD8+/PD1- TILs showed a red cytomembrane. Patients with negative E-Cad had less CD8+/PD-1- TILs than positive patients; patients with negative Ki-67 had less CD8+/PD-1+ and CD8+/PD-1- TILs than positive patients; and patients with negative CK20 expression had less CD8+/PD-1- TILs than positive patients.