Research Article

Reaction of Lectin-Specific Antibody with Human Tissue: Possible Contributions to Autoimmunity

Table 1

Reaction of unimmunized goat serum and affinity-purified polyclonal goat anti-lectin antibodies with different tissue antigens expressed as ELISA index.


Parietal cell0.41 -1.00 ++0.42 -0.41 -0.29 -
Intrinsic factor0.26 -1.10 ++0.37 -0.40 -2.00 +++
ASCA+ANCA0.34 -1.80 +++0.43 +0.55 +0.40 -
Calprotectin0.17 -1.00 ++0.46 +0.29 -1.80 +++
DPP-IV0.38 -1.10 ++0.22 -0.41 -0.81 ++
21-Hydroxylase0.22 -0.85 ++0.41 -0.33 -0.22 -
Hepatocytes0.33 -1.30 ++0.39 -0.56 +2.30 ++++
Somatotropin0.48 +1.90 +++0.50 +0.60 +0.90 ++
Enteric nerve0.21 -0.42 -0.72 +0.50 +0.22 -
Zonulin0.39 -2.70 ++++0.37 -0.60 +0.31 -
MBP0.40 -1.75 +++0.60 +0.64 +0.71 +
α+β Tubulin0.17 -0.50 +0.32 -0.21 -0.72 +
Neurofilaments0.35 -1.10 ++0.18 -0.37 -1.42 +++
Asialoganglioside0.31 -0.95 ++0.48 +0.36 -2.90 ++++
Synapsin0.24 -0.80 +0.60 +0.42 -0.32 -
Human aquaporin0.33 -0.90 ++0.51 +0.38 -0.30 -
Amyloid-β0.15 -1.10 ++0.35 -0.44 +0.20 -
Neurotrophin0.23 -1.70 +++0.26 -0.60 +0.85 ++
Neurocrescin0.18 -2.20 ++++0.25 -0.46 +0.20 -
Rabaptin-50.24 -0.84 ++0.50 +0.45 +0.20 -
Presenilin0.11 -1.50 +++0.80 +0.67 +0.53 +
Tau protein0.16 -1.80 +++0.20 -0.32 -0.60 +
BDNF0.18 -0.81 ++0.21 -0.48 +1.30 ++
Beta-NGF0.25 -1.10 ++0.22 -0.31 -0.80 +
GAD-650.10 -0.50 +0.44 +0.37 -0.19 -
Tyrosinase0.26 -1.20 ++0.28 -1.60 +++1.52 +++
TPO0.39 -3.40 +++++0.44 +0.90 ++3.60 +++++
Enolase0.41 -2.00 +++0.33 -0.47 +0.71 +
Elastin0.20 -0.96 ++0.22 -0.41 -0.38 -
Calmodulin0.29 -2.45 ++++0.31 -0.53 +1.34 +++
Platelet glycoprotein0.36 -1.30 ++0.38 -0.63 +1.10 ++
Fibulin0.34 -1.10 ++0.55 +0.35 -1.00 ++
Ovary0.21 -2.36 ++++0.78 +0.65 +0.42 -
Insulin+islet cell0.19 -2.31 ++++0.80 +0.70 +0.41 -
α-Myosin0.37 -2.00 +++0.45 +0.88 ++1.62 +++
Acetylcholine-R0.32 -1.43 +++0.50 +0.41 -0.42 -
Dopamine-R0.17 -1.90 +++1.00 ++0.58 +1.10 ++
Glutamate-R0.21 -0.99 ++1.10 ++0.37 -0.50 +
Other tissues0.26 ± 0.180.21 ± 0.130.19 ± 0.150.22 ± 0.160.28 ± 0.17

NegativeBorderlineLowModerateStrongVery strong