Research Article

Interferon Kappa Is Important for Keratinocyte Host Defense against Herpes Simplex Virus-1

Figure 1

IFNκ is the dominant IFN in NHEK under resting and stimulated conditions compared to other IFN family members. Undifferentiated and differentiated NHEK cells were stimulated with rhIFNκ (10 ng/ml), poly (I:C) (1 μg/ml), and HSV-1 (MOI of 0.05) for 24 hours. The cells were then harvested to evaluate IFNa2, IFNb1, IFNκ, IFNe, and IFNL1 gene expression. (a) Gene expression was evaluated by real-time PCR in NHEK in the presence and absence of rhIFNκ. (b) Gene expression was evaluated by real-time PCR in NHEK in the presence and absence of poly (I:C). (c) Western blot assay to detect IFNκ, KRT10, and β-actin. (d) Gene expression was evaluated by real-time PCR in NHEK in the presence and absence of HSV-1 (MOI of 0.05). Data presented as . One of three independent experiments is presented. , , and .